Thursday, June 2, 2016


Yesterday in class, we had a discussion about your teaching methods. Whoever wrote that post on FB shouldn’t be attacked on for what they say because it’s what is on their mind. However, I do think something like that shouldn’t be posted online but instead talked to in person. Another thing that was strange was the person stayed anonymous about it, not letting you or anyone of the classmates who it was. We’re all adults and things like that are discussed in class all the time. Besides the fact that that happened, I totally would have to disagree with what that person says about what you are teaching in this class. I believe that the struggle and perseverance of the black community played a big role in their history. Depending on what color/race you are definitely plays a role in how you look into the class. Most or if not all of the African Americans in our class has a much closer relationship to this topic than I do, a lot of others in the class. The beatings and all the harsh things that happened to the African American community might not be the easiest thing to read or look at, but it something that everyone has to see, especially coming into history class. For example, I came in with little to no knowledge of what has really going on, but with everyone I’ve read I can actually see what really was going on back in the mid 1990’s.

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