
Week 1 | March 28-1 | Histories
Artifact: Kendrick Lamar, Alright
M | First Day
W | 3 Concepts
Sparky Rucker @ WSHM
F | African American History, Discuss W.E.B. DuBois, Of Our Spiritual Strivings

Week 2 | April 4-8 |Civil Rights and Jim Crow at the Mid-Century 1945-50
Artifact: Jacob Lawrence, Brownstones
M | Post War Optimism
W | The Cold War and Racial Terrorism, Discuss Moody, Childhood (Questions)
F | What is Race?

Week 3 | April 11-15 | Crack in the Racial Order, 1951-1955
Artifact: Gwen Brooks, We Real Cool
M | “Separate but Equal,” Discuss Moody, High School (Questions)
W | Rosa Parks and Narrating a Movement
F | Jazz

Week 4 | April 18-22 | The Movement
Artifact: Odetta, This Little Light of Mine
M | Sit-ins and SNCC, For Class: Discuss Baldwin, My Dungeon Shook and King, Letter from Birmingham Jail
W | Freedom Summer, Discuss Moody, College
F | 1963-1964

5 | April 25-29 | The Movement, Cont’d
Artifact: John Coltrane’s Alabama (Malcolm, Amber, Blake, Josh)
M | Four Little Girls
W | Legislating Civil Rights, Discuss Moody, the Movement
F | Midterm Quiz

6 | May 2-6 | Liberation
Artifact: Nina Simone, Ain’t Got No / I Got Life (Herbert, Meraisha, Christian, Jamilah)
M | Freedom Struggle in the Puget Sound, Visit from Tacoma Urban League
W | Research Session - Bring a computer
F | Tacoma Civil Rights

7 | May 9-13 | What’s Going On
Artifact: Audre Lorde, Litany for Survival (Kevin, Damion, Brandi, Miny, Jada)
M | Research Session
W | Black Power
F | Black Arts Movement, Kelley, Finding the Strength to Love and Dream

8 | May 16-20 | Hip Hop
Artifact: Three Basquiat Paintings (Notary, Irony of a Negro Officer, TBD) (Alondra, Allayna, Jomar, Mary)
M | Guest
W | Cities, White Flight, and the Birth of Hip Hop
Screening of Love and Solidarity
F | Do the Right Thing, Read Coates, 1-71

9 | May 23-27 | Living in the “Age of Colorblindness”
Artifact: Fairy, Hope Campaign Poster (Alyssa, Corrianne, Vernon, Banesa)
M | Catch Up
W | Our ”Postracial” society, before class watch Dog Whistle Politics
F | #BlackLivesMatter; Discuss Coates, 72-132

10 | May 30-June 3 | Black Lives
Artifact: DIY
M | Memorial Day
W | End of Quarter Housekeeping
F | Discuss Coates, 133-152

Submit your final exam by email on Tuesday, June 7th by 5pm.