Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Median Household Income by Race Table

The table that my group showed earlier in class today displayed the average household income by race in various cities. I created a new table to display median household income by race rather than the average household income. This table should give more accurate numbers and help to eliminate the outliers. In both tables it remains true that Tacoma’s African American average and median incomes are higher than the other cities’ African American populations that were being compared. It also remains true that the white, non-Latino group has a higher average income as well as a higher median income than the other races in the table, specifically African Americans. The main difference in the average income and median income tables are the numbers. Rather than having a $20,000 average income difference in African Americans and White, non-Latinos in Tacoma, there is a $14,000 median income difference, which is still substantial. Seattle’s gap is about a $45,000 difference in median household income between African Americans and white, non-Latinos.

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